Offer your clients the Gold Standard in Microdermabrasion!
If you are in Florida, Contact me for a demostration!! If you are not in Florida, I will help you find your closest DermaMed Solutions representative. E-mail me at You can also call or text me at 727-218-0447.
MegaPeel EX® helps you grow your business by offering microdermabrasion, one of the top five nonsurgical cosmetic procedures in the United States.* Keep them satisfied and happy while enjoying a boost to your bottom line.
Restore Skin’s Youthful Appearance by Treating a Variety of Conditions
MegaPeel EX® restores the youthful appearance of skin without chemicals, laser, surgery or extended periods of irritation and redness. Successfully treat numerous skin conditions such as:
Rosacea or hyperpigmentation
Blackheads and whiteheads
Wrinkles and fine lines
Rough, textured skin
Clogged pores
Post-acne, postsurgical and posttraumatic scarring
Stretch marks
Blending of hypopigmentation
You can also use MegaPeel EX® for skin exfoliation in conjunction with chemical peels and other treatments, such as our professional protocols. Research shows that microdermabrasion is one of the top five most requested, non-invasive cosmetic procedures.
Greater Treatment Control + Great Results = Happy Return Customers
Designed by RNs and Aestheticians, MegaPeel EX’s independent wand and vacuum controls allow spa technicians to:
Remove dead skin cells and stimulate blood circulation.
Facilitate collagen and elastin cell production.
Generate softer, healthier-looking skin.
Gain better control over power and performance.
Customize each treatment to the patient’s needs with separate crystal and vaccum contols.